

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention (Hebert Simon, Nobel laureate and PhD in computer science and organization psychology)

The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

What I need to know is how your work connects to everything else. Can you explain the essence of it in any way I understand? Can you share your work process in layman’s terms? Can you explain why it matters? And why you are passionate about it? If you can do this, you will expand my worldview. And you may do something else. You may spark new creativity or inspiration in me., Every of knowledge is different, but they are all connected.




The Iterative Thought Process

A self defined process based on my insights on becoming a more clear thinker.

According to ChatGPT.

  1. Cognitive Load Theory: This theory, developed by John Sweller, explores how human cognitive architecture handles information processing. It posits that learning is more effective when information is presented in a way that reduces unnecessary cognitive load, which aligns with the idea of refining and simplifying thoughts to enhance understanding and communication.

  2. Iterative Design: In design fields, the iterative process involves repeated cycles of prototyping, testing, and refining a product or concept. This approach helps in gradually improving clarity and functionality, akin to refining thoughts or visualizations.

  3. Metacognition: This is the awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. Metacognition involves self-regulation of cognition through planning, monitoring, and evaluating, which can include refining and rephrasing thoughts for better clarity.

  4. Visual Thinking: This is a way to organize your thoughts and improve your ability to think and communicate through visual means. Techniques such as mind mapping, sketching, and diagramming are used to clarify and simplify complex ideas.

  5. Information Design: This field focuses on presenting information in a way that is most effective for understanding. It includes principles of clarity, simplicity, and the reduction of unnecessary complexity, often achieved through visual means.

  6. Clarity in Communication: The process of rewriting or rephrasing thoughts to enhance clarity is a fundamental principle in communication studies. Techniques from this field are often employed to ensure messages are clear, concise, and effective.


By investigating the rhetoric the writer or the reader can better understand the other, which might help to write a better document or to interpret it better. Helps also to understand what influences how a reader receives a message, which might be differ over time.

How to: Brief People

Whenever you need to thoroughly brief a group of people on an important matter, consider using a 5-paragraph format.

  1. Situation
    • Is about what position we’re in, and why we set out to do what we want to do. You can break this down into three sub-points, like the customer’s situation, the situation of your own company, any extra help that is available, and the current market.
  2. Objective
    • Is what we want to achieve.
  3. Plan
    • Is how we want to achieve it.
  4. Logistics
    • Is about what budget and resources are available, and how they are used.
  5. Communications
    • Is about how you’ll be coordinating among yourselves and with others in order to achieve your goal.

TIP: Do a follow-up round (hours or days later) to ask for questions, good questions usually don’t come up on the spot. There are always questions.
