
Communication Modes

Much of this is inspired from Florian and findings regarding on how remote work can work.


Summarized Tips

Remote Work

If you want to make remote work, work, you must learn how remote work can work. It won’t succeed when sticking to old habits that are not compliant with remote work. For remote work to succeed, you must adopt and new skills to make it work.

Working in a distributed team means working asynchronously. Being productive in a distributed team is a skill that most people must learn; it is not innate to us. Nothing has as dire an impact on productivity as poor communications. A capable distributed team habitually externalizes information.

Information is generally far less useful when it is only stored in one person’s head, as opposed to being accessible in a shared system that everyone trusts and can use. If you take important information out of your own head and store it in a medium that allows others to easily find and contextualize it, that’s a win for everyone.

Wiki’s should be your default mode of communication in remote or distributed teams. That does not use any other method at all. You should be clear that Asynchronous communication is norm in this situation.

Clear rules on how to communicate does a long way.





Video Calls

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Water cooler talk

Extravert in distributed teams

Externalization of Information

By adapting modes of communication that requires to externalize information (habitually especially) you will bear the fruits that come with clear thinking as I laid out in my blog post.

