
Presenting Ideas & Talks (TED)

TED is about sharing ideas in an interconnected world. Ideas worth sharing. Ideas that connect.

Did you know about communication: 7% is words, 38% Tone, 55% body.

Talk Tools

Body Language / Tone


You can use this personas to switch between or stick to, they come with their own tone and body language.








You might not use any visuals or slides at all. That’s ok based on the content type.


Everyone has their flavour


Rehearse is a must and works well. Notice, by rehearsing from day one, you can follow the Iterative Thought Process of pruning, refining, improving your talk.

Opening & Closing

On Stage




Voice and Presence

Format Innovation

General Tips

Example of engaging writing

… instead of listing boring facts about yourself

I want you to come with me to student’s room at Oxford university in 1977. You open the door, and at first it seems like there’s nobody there. But wait, Over in the corner, there’s a boy lying on the floor, face up, staring at the ceiling. He’s been like that for more than 90 minutes. That’s me, 27 year old me. I’m thinking. Hard. I am trying… please don’t laugh… I am trying to solve the problem of free will. That deep mystery that has stumped the world’s philosophers for at least 2 millennia? Yp, I’m taking it on. Anyone looking objectively at the scene would have concluded that this biy was some weird combination of arrogant, deluded, or perhaps just socially awkward and lonely, proffering the company of ideas to people. But my own narrative? I’m a dreamer. I’ve always been obsessed by the power of ideas. And I’m pretty sure it’s that inward focus that helped me survive growing up in a boarding schools in India and England, away from my missionary parents, and that gave me confidence to try build a media company. Certainly it was the dreamer in me that fell in love so deeply with TED.

Generic Quotes of book

