This is a list of examples on how certain work can be approached and executed. These are not hard rules, but more like aids to help you get started. As you learn and grow as an architect, you will find your own way of doing things.
Get requirements -> See components the process on how to define them, then characteristics, the quanta, … then decided monolith/distrubuted based on that component thinking, etc … Chapter component based thinking is a good transition for that.
* When greenfield (Define new characteristics)
* Get requirements -> See components the process on how to define them, then characteristics, the quanta, ... then decided monolith/distrubuted based on that component thinking, etc ...
* When replacing systems (review desire characteritics, and current once, etc...)
* Did something change meanwhile ? Like stakeholders ? Or pure replace.
* When ...
* Tips of questions and concerns
* Whem brownfield
* How to first do you research to then move next