In alphabetical order
Author of many books like Enterprise Integration Patterns and The Software Architect Elevator.
Author of many books like 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know, Fundamentals of Software Architecture, and Software Architecture: The Hard Parts. He works for the infamous ThoughtWorks which has many thought leaders and relevant authors on its payroll.
Author of many books like Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code and UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. He works for the infamous ThoughtWorks which has many thought leaders and relevant authors on its payroll.
Well-known software architect which authored Release IT!.
Author of many books like Building Evolutionary Architectures, Fundamentals of Software Architecture, and Software Architecture: The Hard Parts. He works for the infamous ThoughtWorks which has many thought leaders and relevant authors on its payroll.
Author of many books and mostly known for clean code and design principles. However, regarding architecture, he wrote the excellent piece Clean Architecture.
Author of books like Building Microservices and Monolith To Microservices.
Does many architecture talks.
Author of many books like Implementing Domain-Driven Design, Strategic Monoliths and Microservices, and Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model. In addition to that, he also has a “signature series” which are all related to software architecture.
Author of Fundamentals of Software Architecture and Data Mesh.