

In the coaching process you have a “Coach”, the one who coaches, and the “Client”, the one who is being coached.

Coaching does not involve telling clients what to do but empowers them to find their own solutions.

What It Is

Coaching is a developmental process where a coach supports someone in achieving specific personal or professional goals by providing guidance, feedback, and encouragement. It involves active listening, questioning, and facilitating self-discovery to help clients enhance their skills, overcome challenges, and maximize their potential. Coaching is goal-oriented, collaborative, and focused on the client’s strengths and future aspirations.

What It Is Not

It is not therapy or counseling, which deal with resolving past issues and emotional problems, nor is it consulting, where the expert provides specific solutions and advice.

“The Coaching Habbit”

This is a coaching strategy by Micheal Bungay Stanier, based on 7 type’s questions to use during coaching. This strategy is more for coaching people around you and help them, rather than helping someone progress in their career or such. Nevertheless, many of these questions are reusable tools for communicating and coaching in general.

Tell less and ask more. Your advice is not as good as you think it is.


Reasons To Coach

3P Method


